Merit Badge College
February 22, 2025
Registration opens 12/20/25!
Sign up early as spaces are limited
Landisville Mennonite Church, 3320 Bowman Road, Landisville
Event check in starts at 8:00am, last session ends at 4:00pm
Merit Badge Session 1: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Merit Badge Session 2: 1:00-4:00 PM
Cost: $14 per Scout
2025 Council Merit Badge College Flyer
2025 PA Dutch Council Merit Badge College Prerequisite List
Scouts will have the opportunity to work towards 1-5 merit badges at the college. All merit badges will have prerequisites that need to be completed BEFORE the day of the college. Even though there is a charge for the college, there is no guarantee that you will complete the merit badge- a partial completion is acceptable, but it is up to the scout to find a counselor to complete the work. Each scout must complete each requirement as written. Classes are being led by certified merit badge counselors.
There will be intersession merit badges available. These merit badges include: American Heritage, Bird Study, Collections, Digital Technology, Dog Care, Fingerprinting, Genealogy, Pets, Reading, Scholarship, and Veterinary Medicine. Merit Badge Counselors for these badges will be available in the lobby to sign off on COMPLETED requirements for these badges. Bring evidence that you have completed ALL requirements. Pre-registrations is not required for these badges.
Purchase lunch on Tentaroo when you register! Order of the Arrow will provide a lunch consisting of 2 Hotdogs (chips and drink included) for $10.00. Scouts are welcome to bring a bag lunch. Refrigerators are available. If packing, please clearly label your lunch.
Parents are welcome to stay in the seating area in the lobby, but space is limited.
For more information, contact Kim Kautz at 717-689-0593 or at
Merit Badges Offered Include:
- Art
- Automotive Maintenance
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the World
- Communication
- Disabilities Awareness
- Emergency Preparedness
- Family Life
- First Aid
- Game Design
- Law
- Orienteering
- Personal Management
- Photography
- Pulp and Paper
- Sustainability
Note: There will be an extra session held at lunch for Fingerprinting merit badge that is open to 20 Scouts. Check the prerequisites document for more about this and how to register your Scout!
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