
“Advancement is one of the eight methods used by Scout leaders to help boys fulfill the aims of the BSA” -Scoutmaster Handbook.

Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank.

Guide To Advancement and Advancement Resources

For all the information you could ever want on the who, what, why, when, and how of Advancement see the Guide To Advancement.

The Guide to Advancement is the official source for administering advancement in all Boy Scouts of America programs: Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, and Sea Scouts. It replaces the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures and Advancement and Recognition Policies and Procedures, which are no longer valid. 

For further help, feel free to consult your District’s top Advancement Volunteers.  Contact information available at Advancement Committee Information.


From the first knot tied to final hours of service performed, the Scouting experience is a journey like no other. Scoutbook ensures not a moment is missed – tracking advancement, milestone achievements and all the fun along the way. For more information about Scoutbook go to Scoutbook


Eagle Scout Resources

Eagle Scout is the highest rank that a Boy Scout may achieve.  It takes years of determination and a lot of hard work. For Eagle Scout Resources go to Eagle Scout Resources.

Merit Badge Resources

For further information on Merit Badges, the current Merit Badge Counselor List, and for information on how to become a Merit Badge Counselor, go to Merit Badge Resources.


National Advancement Resources

This page has links to the most current forms and other resources from the National office that are related to advancement.  Advancement Resources