by Daniel Hanson on Monday, December 5, 2016

The Pennsylvania Dutch Council has been approached by PennState Pro Wellness to partner in a study to promote active living through Scouting. The Boy Scouts of America promotes healthy living and are excited for this partnership.
If you attended Bashore Scout Reservation this summer, PennState Pro Wellnes provided pedometers to everyone to encourage active living. They also looked at our camp menu to ensure we were meeting the needs of our active Scouts while at camp. You can see the results from the PennState Pro Wellness summer camp project here.
PennState Pro Wellness is looking for Scouts to participate in future studies and have asked us to forward the email below to all of our Scouting families. Please help shape the future of scouting by participating in this partnership!


Thank you for your interest in research studies involving people associated with the Boy Scots of America. Please click on the link below to share your contact information with us and we will send you more information concerning incentives and involvement. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

If you know of any other troops OR patrols who might be interested in participating, please send them the link or have them contact me for more information.

Thank you!
Brianna Hoglen
Project Coordinator
Penn State PRO Wellness
90 Hope Drive, Suite 3400
Mail Code A145
Hershey, PA 17033
Ph: 717.531.0003 ext. 284616
Fax: 717.531.0146

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