Thursday, October 9, 2025

Lancaster County Convention Center

5 pm to 8:30 pm


2025 Distinguished Citizen 2025 Keynote Speaker
Roger S. North

Founder & CEO

North Group Consultants

Shannon Miller 

Seven Time Olympic Medal Gymnast, Cancer

Survivor, Author, TV Host, & Health Advocate

This special evening honors an individual who has impacted the lives of the citizens of Lancaster and Lebanon counties and embodies the Scout Oath and Scout Law in their daily lives. The Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner is also the Pennsylvania Dutch Council’s main fundraiser where all Scouting Programs are featured and celebrated.  Funds raised at this event will either go to support our Scouting programs or summer camp scholarships, through the Jay R. Bucher Campership Fund.


Annual Dinner Facts

The Distinguished Citizen Award recognizes outstanding individuals in the community for their impact on the lives of others within Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. These individuals live up to the Scout Oath and Law in their everyday personal and professional life. The award committee has selected one individual to be honored each of the past 34 years. The recipient is recognized at the Annual Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner, which is held in the fall each year. As a part of the dinner program, one or more Scouts will share their Scouting experiences and what being involved in Scouting means to them. One of the other highlights of the evening is a guest speaker who will share an inspiring message with the audience.

Jay R. Bucher Campership Fund

Named after our 2015 Distinguished Citizen, the Jay R. Bucher Campership Fund ensures that all youth have the opportunity to attend one of the Council’s summer camps.  Each year the Pennsylvania Dutch Council receives about $20,000 in requests for financial assistance to attend summer camp. Requests are based on financial need and the Council tries to fund as many as possible. Depending on the family’s financial need, the Council can provide up to 50% of the summer camp costs per Scout through this program. In 2024, $11,225 in Camperships (camp scholarships) were awarded to 83 youth in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.

By investing in the Jay R. Bucher Campership Fund you are helping to instill important values and experiences in youth that may not be able to afford a summer camp experience.

Past Honorees

Mayor J. Richard Gray * Ann B. Barshinger * Jay R. Bucher * Coach Dick Vermiel * R. Scott Smith Jr. * Nevin Cooley * Dr. Theodore Long * Edward H. & Jeanne Donlevy Arnold* Sen. Gib Armstrong * Peggy Steinman * Rev. Louis A. Butcher, Jr. * Hon. Lawrence F. Stengel * Henry H. Gibbel *   Walt Legenstein * Rufus A. Fulton, Jr. * John Synodinos * Paul W. Ware * Coach Joe Paterno * S. Dale High *   William H. Cardinal Keeler * Hon. Paul A. Mueller * Caroline Steinman Nunan * William Adams * Anne B. Sweigart * Wilson D. McElhinny * Willis W. Shenk * Hon. Robert S. Walker * Keith Spalding * Vernon A. Bishop * Lt. Gen. Daniel B. Strickler * Craig A. Roda * Henry H. Gibbel * Jan Bergen * Tom Baldrige * Carol T. and John F. Pyfer, Jr. * Philip R. Wenger







2025 DCAD Registration Form


Click the Button Below to Commit to a Sponsorship, Purchase Tickets, or  Contribute to the Jay R. Bucher Campership Fund in Honor of Roger S. North

Purchase A Sponsorship, Tickets, or Donate

For information on the 2025 Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner, please contact Zena Korba, Development Director, at or 717-553-4209.