April 20th, 2021
Dear Pennsylvania Dutch Council Volunteer,
Over the last three weeks members of the board have visited each of our three districts to discuss the potential of a district reorganization. Specifically, the idea of going from three districts down to two. Overall, the information that was provided was received well, and most volunteers have shared that the reorganization plan makes sense based on the five-year trend of a decrease in membership and fundraising.
One of the three meetings was a zoom meeting. A recording of that meeting can be viewed here.
Here are links to the documents shared at those meetings:
Membership, Financial, and Manpower data
Proposed New District Map, Unit List, and Timeline
As noted in our presentation we will be sharing the feedback we received at our next Executive Committee Meeting which will take place on April 28th.
If you have any additional thoughts, suggestions, or comments I would ask that you provide those to me in writing by Monday April 26th. Please send them to me via e-mail at matthew.adams@scouting.org.
Thank you for the incredible efforts you are all making to deliver the Scouting program. You are making a difference in the life of a child.
My best,
Matthew S. Adams
Scout Executive/CEO
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