Help Your Scout Earn Money For Camp

Sell Spring Planting/Summer Flowering Bulbs!

The Spring Product Sale is designed to help Scouts earn their way to summer camp, day camp, a BSA high adventure base, or raise money for the unit’s outdoor program.  This year, we have decided to sell spring planting/summer flowering bulbs from Dutch Mill Bulbs as a “take order” only sale.  Units participating in this program earn 25% commission from each product sold. The remainder of the funds will benefit the programs of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA.

Each bulb set is priced at $13 and there will be at least 18 types of bulb packages to choose from!  These make great  gifts for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, housewarming, Easter, as well as gifts for clients.

The 2025 Spring Product Sale – “Spring Bulbs for Summer Camp” will take place from January 17th to March 12th (due date for units to submit their orders).  This will allow Units ample time to earn money for their summer camp and other Scouting adventures.


Unit Registration for the Spring Sale Is Closed.

2025 Summer Flowering Bulb Fundraiser Timeline


January 2, 2025: Spring Sale Fundraiser promotion at Roundtables

Now – January 10th: Units sign-up for the sale: currently closed.

Beginning Friday, January 10th (possibly sooner) : Pickup/Distribution of sales brochures – we will send out an email to the Spring Sale Champion letting them know their materials are ready to be picked up.

Tuesday, January 14th at 7 PM: Info Session/Training for Unit Champions – Unit Champions will be sent an email with the zoom link.  If  you have not received the link, please email Lauren

January 17th – Spring Product Sale Begins

March 12th: Units submit payments. (Units keep commissions and submit  difference to the Council.)  Online sales commissions will be credited to  the Unit’s Scout Shop Account

Week of April 7th:Pick-up/distribution of orders at the Council Office, tentatively the                              first week of April, prior to April 9th.


2025 Spring Product Sale Forms and Resources:

JPEG files for social media – if you would like these files emailed to you, please contact

Sell Scouting, Not Just Flower Bulbs!

Families should understand that they are not just selling bulbs to beautify the outdoors, but selling Scouting – a summer camp or Scouting experience that will reinforce Scouting’s aims of character development, citizenship training and personal fitness in youth. Be sure to emphasize that each bulb package sold helps a Scout go to camp. The greatest likelihood for a successful fundraiser is having everyone know they are supporting Scouting. Scouts can sell bulbs to friends, family members, and businesses in their communities who may want to take improve their outdoor space and help Scouts earn their way to camp!


For More Information, Please Contact Your District Champion:

Susquehanna District: Chet Bowen
Iron Forge District: Nicole Welch 717-553-4202
Staff Advisor:  Zena Korba 717-553-4209
Council Admins: Lauren Bowen 717-553-4210