2025 Training Schedule

See Upcoming Courses

Whether you are a brand new leader just starting in a Cub Pack, a seasoned veteran of a Scouts BSA Troop, or working with young adults in a Venturing Crew, the youth in your unit deserve trained, adult leadership. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” but there will always be some new idea presented at a training session. That “new idea,” when taken back to the unit and implemented, may just be the thing that gets more youth excited about Scouting and keeps them in the program longer.

I Need Training What Do I Do?

  1. See if the Training you need is available online at my.scouting.org
    • Available online training’s include Youth Protection Training, ALL required Cub Scout Leader Training, Scouts BSA Leader Training.
  2. If training is not available online, see the 2025 Training Schedule for in person courses being held by Pennsylvania Dutch Council. No matter which District is hosting a course, you can still go.
  3. Talk to your Unit Commissioner or District Executive. They can work with your District’s Training team to see if someone may be available to bring training to you.
  4. If the training opportunity offered by Pennsylvania Dutch Council does not work with your schedule, check out other nearby Council’s websites to see if they will be holding a course that works for you.  Feel free to go, just please remember to let our Council Service Center know so you can be credited with completion.

Training Philosophy

The training philosophy of Scouting America is to provide adults with fundamental information about the aims and purpose of the movement, as well as specifics about their particular roles in Scouting.

A trained leader is knowledgeable and confident in the role being performed. The knowledge and confidence of a trained leader are quickly sensed by Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Parents.

Adult Leader Training

Youth Protection

Required of all registered adult members of Scouting America as a condition of registration. Must be renewed at least every two years.  Available online. Follow this link to go to the Online Training Page of this website to learn more: Online Training

Basic Leader Training

Training on the ins and outs of Scouting’s Aims and Methods, the role of the leader, and how to make the Scouting Program Work. Basic Leader Training for Cub Scout Leaders is completely available online. Basic Leader Training for Scouts BSA, and Venturing Leaders is offered by the Council and online.

Follow this link to go to the Online Training Page of this website to learn more: Online Training.

To learn about upcoming training courses, follow this link: Upcoming Courses.

Outdoor Skills Training

Various Outdoor skills trainings are available for Cub Scout, Webelos Scout, Scouts BSA, and Venturing Leaders. These courses teach important outdoor skills, planning, and provide information on how to put the “Outing” in Scouting in a safe, fun way. The Council offers outdoor skills courses at various times through the year. To learn about upcoming training courses, follow this link: Upcoming Courses

Advanced and Continuing Training

Advanced training and continuing training courses take place through the year on various topics. Each District in the council offers monthly Round Tables which always include a training topic. To learn more about Round Tables go to the page for your District by clicking here: Districts

To learn more about Scouting’s “Graduate School” of Leadership go to the Wood Badge page of this site by following this link: Wood Badge

Youth Leader Training

Youth Leader Training is a continual process of coaching and mentoring. Formal Youth Leader Training begins with Unit Level Youth Leadership Training and then progresses to National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) offered annually by the Pennsylvania Dutch Council. After completion of NYLT, a youth member can continue learning abut leadership at a National Advance Youth Leader Experience (NAYLE) either at Philmont Scout Ranch or hosted within their Region.

For information on Unit Youth Leadership Training Click Here: Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops or Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews

For information on NYLT and NAYLE Click Here: NYLT

Pennsylvania Dutch Council Training Policies

  • Youth Protection Training must be completed as a condition of registering with the Boy Scouts of America.
  • Cub Scout Leaders-Leaders must complete required training within six months of registration as a leader. All required Cub Scout Leader training is available online at my.scouting.org.
  • Scouts BSA and Venturing Leaders-Leaders must complete required training within twelve months of registration as a leader. Leaders will have an opportunity to take required training not available online on two occasions during the twelve month period.
  • Exceptions:
    • All leaders under the age of 23 who have been previously registered as a Scout and are currently pursuing a degree in higher education, must complete any required training available online for their registered position (Youth Protection and position specific when available) prior to the rechartering period following their registration as an adult leader.

They then must complete the required leadership position specific training no later than the rechartering period following their 23rd birthday. Throughout this extension period, they must maintain Youth Protection training following the National BSA guidelines.

    • Additionally active duty military personal that are currently deployed out of the country will be given a time extension for the training requirements for their position. The leadership of the council fully supports our troops and will work closely with units on an individual basis to help maintain the registration of our deployed military personal.