How Camp Will Be Safe This Summer

We know the importance of getting youth outdoors and involved in programs of Adventure. We are taking every step to ensure that this summer will be SAFE and FUN! Camp will be awesome this summer, but it will look a little different than what we are used to. We have instituted procedures and safety measures in order to keep our Scouts, leaders, staff, and families healthy and safe. These procedures and safety measures have been promoted by many state and federal agencies including the State of Pennsylvania, Boy Scouts of America, and the American Camping Association Field Guide for Camps. These multi-layered strategies are proven effective to reduces the risk of transmission of diseases such as COVID-19.
Our commitment is simple: To ensure our Scouts, leaders and families have a safe and healthy summer camp experience at the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Scout Camps.
Updated 6/28/2021


Our Commitment

Pre-Camp Screening Checklist

All participants will be required to fill out the BSA pre-event medical screening to ensure it is safe to attend camp.



Handwashing and Sanitizing

Scouts are reminded to wash hands frequently and to practice good personal hygiene. Hand sanitizer does not replace proper handwashing; however, it is an added layer of protection and will be provided throughout all camp properties.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
All Scouts, leaders, visitors, and staff are welcome to wear masks while at camp. We will be following Pennsylvania Guidelines for the wearing of masks.


Food Service

Food service will be altered or changed to reduce as many

touched surfaces as possible. Options will vary by camp.


No Unscheduled or Unauthorized Visitors
Unexpected or unscheduled visitors can potentially increase the risk of infection and break our “camp bubble.” Only visitors or authorized staff required for necessary safe and healthy camp operations will be permitted on camp properties for authorized business.