Unsold product may be returned Sunday, October 18th between 11:00PM-4:00PM or Monday, October 19th between 2:30PM-6:30PM. All returns must be made at the closed Toys R Us near the Park City Mall in Lancaster (1430 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601.) You may make alternate arrangements to return product prior to those dates.
DO NOT RETURN your product to the Council Service Center, there will be no one to help you. If you must make other arrangements please contact your District Kernel or Executive as soon as possible. In all cases No returns will be accepted after 6:30PM Monday October 19th and your unit will be billed for unreturned product.
Returns may be made by the piece. You will receive a copy of your return paperwork for your files. Damaged product, that has not been previously reported, should be returned. If you bring a Returned product it will be removed from your initial Show and Sell order. Remember if you exceeded your 40% in Show and Sell Order or adds you May not return unsold product.
We will be accepting payment for Show and Sell product at returns if you wish. Checks should be made out to the PA Dutch Council, BSA. We can help you determine what you owe for Show and Sell that day, or if you are a unit using Prizemania subtract 33% from your sales for your unit and pay the difference, or if you are a “No Prize Unit” subtract 35%. Changes to Prize, No Prize status had to have been done by the date of Show and Sell orders, August 3rd, and may not be changed now. Any differences will reconciled on the final unit invoice.
Invoices will be emailed to your Kernel and Treasurer, if provided on your commitment form. If you made a payment your invoice will reflect that payment. Show and Sell Payment deadline is October 30th.