Eagle Scout. The pinnacle of Scouting. Only about 4% of all Scouts achieve Eagle. Eagle Scout is the highest rank that a Boy Scout may achieve. It takes years of determination and a lot of hard work. The resources below are intended to help Scouts and help Leaders help Scouts through the process from Life to Eagle.
For a full discussion of the Eagle Scout Rank and the process to earn it see Chapter 9 of the BSA’s Guide To Advancement
Becoming and Eagle Scout:
These resources are needed while a Scout is working on the Eagle Rank:
All Eagle Scout Candidates are required to use the newest version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and Eagle Scout Rank Application.
Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook
Advancement Committee Information – Contains Contact Information for District Eagle Coordinators.
Life to Eagle Seminars 
Life to Eagle Seminars are offered annually in April and November. These sessions are intended for Leaders, Parents, and Scouts and are designed to walk individuals straight through the correct process to earn the Eagle Rank.
For information on the next available Life to Eagle Seminar see the Advancement Training page of this website.
After you Earn Your Eagle:
Once a Scout has become an Eagle Scout there is still more…
If an Eagle Scout is under age 18, they can earn Eagle Palms for additional leadership, service, and completing additional Merit Badges.
Join the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA). To learn more about NESA see the NESA page of this website: National Eagle Scout Association.
Apply for College Scholarships! there are numerous scholarships available to Eagle Scouts. A simple web search for Eagle Scout Scholarships will turn up a ton including scholarships from the National Eagle Scout Association.