Life to Eagle Seminars

Life to Eagle Seminars are offered annually in April and November. These sessions are intended for Leaders, Parents, and Scouts and are designed to walk individuals straight through the correct process to earn the Eagle Rank. Specific information for each Seminar will be posted here when it is available.

When: Spring & Fall via Zoom, dates TBD, see Scouter Focus

Contact Nicole Welch for more information, nicole.welch@scouting.org.


Merit Badge Counselor Training

Merit Badge Counselor Training is required to be completed by all Merit Badge Counselors PRIOR their registration as a Merit Badge Counselor. The course will include information on:

  • The merit badge process
  • Responsibilities of the Scout
  • Responsibilities of the Counselor
  • Policy for the counseling session
  • Registration requirements for the counselor
  • Paperwork and record keeping
  • How to keep your MBC status current

MBC Training is a good opportunity for the new merit badge counselor to get up to speed with the BSA’s current policies, procedures, and methods for Merit Badge Counseling. Experienced Counselors will be refreshed and brought up-to-date with current procedures. Specific information for each Seminar will be posted here when it is available.

More information on how to become a Merit Badge Counselor can be found here: https://padutchbsa.org/resource-center/advancement/merit-badge-resources/

Merit Badge Counselor training is offered online at my.scouting.org.