On this page you will find useful program for all types of Scouts, leaders and parents. You will also find new temporary advancement guidelines to help your Scouts move through the process during this time. We hope all of our Scouters stay safe and healthy. We hope the below material is helpful and we can’t wait to rejoin you with the program once this phase is behind us. In the meantime Scout On!
Advancement Guidelines During COVID-19
Check out our new Super Cub Around the House Passport program. You can earn this cool new patch!
Click here for more information
Introducing the 30-Day Cub Scout Challenge, a great way to keep your Scouting skills sharp without leaving home. Packed full of adventure and elective requirements, use this daily checklist as a roadmap to rank advancement.
Lion | Kindergarten
Tiger | 1st Grade
Wolf | 2nd Grade
Bear | 3rd Grade
Webelos and AOL | 4th and 5th Grade
Special Thanks to Hawkeye Area Council for sharing these resources.
Boy’s Life K-2 and Grades 3-4 30 Day Youtube Channel Video Challenges
Boy’s Life Magazine is pleased to present the 30 Day Video Challenges for K-2 and 304 graders. The concept of the videos is to share with ALL parents of All elementary aged youth at. This isn’t limited to just Scouting families, it’s for ALL families!
Please help us spread the word about this FUN and FREE resource for all families with elementary aged youth by posting and sharing the link below on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and/or other social media channels to share with everyone you know with elementary aged youth at home.
Find the video challenges at: https://www.youtube.com/user/BoysLifeMagazine/playlists
Lion | Kindergarten
Animal Kingdom | This Adventure is all about community. | Required Adventure
Build it Up, Knock it Down | This Adventure is all about building. | Elective Adventure
Gizmos and Gadgets | This Adventure is all about motion, force and creating objects. | Elective Adventure
I’ll Do It Myself | This Adventure is all about being prepared. | Elective Adventure
Pick My Path | This Adventure is all about to do a good turn daily. | Elective Adventure
Ready, Set, Grow | This Adventure focuses on plants and gardens. | Elective Adventure
Tiger | 1st Grade
Backyard Jungle | This Adventure and is very hands-on with planting something and building birdhouses | Required Adventure
My Family’s Duty to God | This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. | Required Adventure
Tiger Bites | An Adventure that covers food choices and preparation, manners and nutrition. | Required Adventure
Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries | An Adventure about magic, codes, sign language and more. | Elective Adventure
Family Stories | An Adventure about family heritage. | Elective Adventure
Sky is the Limit | Adventure all about the night sky, constellations, astronauts, etc. | Elective Adventure
Stories in Shapes | An Adventure about art. | Elective Adventure
Tiger-Safe and Smart | An Adventure all about home and neighborhood safety. | Elective Adventure
Tiger Tales | An Adventure all about story-telling, tall tales, singing. | Elective Adventure
Wolf | 2nd Grade
Paws on the Path | An Adventure covering hiking skills and nature and maps. | Required Adventure
Adventures in Coins | An Adventure about Coins. | Elective Adventure
Code of the Wolf | An Adventure that uses math games and secret codes. | Elective Adventure
Digging in the Past | An Adventure about dinosaurs, fossils and archaeology. | Elective Adventure
Finding Your Way | An Adventure about map and compass, hiking and a scavenger hunt. | Elective Adventure
Germs Alive | An Adventure about keeping clean and germs. | Elective Adventure
Grow Something | An Adventure about planting and make a terrarium. | Elective Adventure
Motor Away | An Adventure about cars, boats and paper airplanes. | Elective Adventure
Paws of Skill | An Adventure about fitness, sports, sporting event and obstacle courses. | Elective Adventure
Bear | 3rd Grade
BALOO the Builder | An Adventure covering using tools and wood tools. | Required Adventure
Bear Claws | An Adventure all about knife use and knife safety. | Required Adventure
Fellowship and Duty to God | This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. | Required Adventure
Paws for Action | An Adventure that’s all about history/patriotism, visiting a law enforcement facility, basic emergency preparedness, energy conservation and a cleanup service project. | Required Adventure
Bear Picnic Basket | An Adventure about cooking. | Elective Adventure
Make It Move | An Adventure about fun Engineering. | Elective Adventure
Roaring Laughter | An Adventure about Fun, Jokes, Stories and Games. | Elective Adventure
Robotics | An Adventure about robots. | Elective Adventure
Super Science | An Adventure about Fun Science experiments. | Elective Adventure
A World of Sound | An Adventure about World Music and Instruments. | Elective Adventure
Webelos & Arrow of Light | 4th & 5th Grade
Duty to God and You | This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. | Required Adventure
First Responder | An adventure, covering basic first aid and emergency preparedness.
Adventures In Science | An Adventure about science. | Required Adventure
Art Explosion | An Adventure about art. | Elective Adventure
Aware and Care | An Adventure about Disabilities Awareness. | Elective Adventure
Build My Own Hero | An Adventure about Citizen Heroes. | Elective Adventure
Engineer | An Adventure about engineering. | Elective Adventure
Fix It | An Adventure about home repairs. | Elective Adventure
Game Design | An Adventure about games. | Elective Adventure
Looking Back, Looking Forward | An Adventure about Your Own Timeline. | Elective Adventure
Maestro | An Adventure about music. | Elective Adventure
Moviemaking | An Adventure about moviemaking. | Elective Adventure
Project Family | An Adventure about family life. | Elective Adventure
Scout Rank
Second Class
First Class
Week #1 & #2 Home Scouting Advancement Tracker
Special Thanks to Hawkeye Area Council & Buckeye Council for sharing these resources.
Citizenship in the Nation |
Citizenship in the World |
Emergency Preparedness |
American Heritage |
Family Life |
Medicine |
Pets |
Personal Fitness |
Personal Management |
Public Health |
Radio |
Venturing 30 Day Challenge
Other Ideas and Resources
National BSA Scouting at Home Website
Special Edition: Jamboree on the Internet
Part of Scouting’s great success over the past 113 years has been its enduring ability to adapt and respond to the changing needs of communities at every level.
We are excited to announce a special edition of Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI), the largest digital Scout event held annually!
This special JOTI will be both educational and fun, bringing Scouting to the homes of young people around the world. It will be a space for young people and Scouts to connect, learn and build friendships during this challenging time of social distance.
As we navigate uncharted waters, together, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity to continuously showcase and share what Scouting is all about – unity, friendship, education and resourcefulness.
Join us online this April 3-5, 2020 and help us spread the word of this JOTI Special Edition today.
- Conduct virtual Patrol Leaders Council meetings via teleconference or web video conferencing. Ensure to maintain two-deep leadership throughout the virtual meeting.
- Encourage Patrol Leaders to communicate digitally with their patrol members.
The CDC is recommending to be careful with meetings and travel and use teleconferencing when possible. Here are some free or low-cost online communication tools:
Free Conference Call
Go To Meeting
Join Me
Google Hangouts
- National Statement and Response to Covid-19
- National FAQ for COVID-19
- Merit badges for social distancing: 58 badges Scouts can complete at home
- Bridging Podcast
- Boy’s Life Issues Online
- How to conduct a board of review through videoconferencing
- Scouting Show & Tell: Scouting remotely
- Special Edition Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) April 3rd-5th
- Good Turns during the coronavirus: Acts of Scouting service you can do from home
- Stuck Inside? 25 Fun Projects to Do With Stuff From Around the House